July 13, 2010

Doing wonderfully in their new homes...

The pups have been in their new homes for neary 7 weeks and it sounds as though all have taken the adjustment quite well.  Below are responses to my last message.

Bella enjoyed her visit to the vet last week for her booster shots.  At that time she weighed 19.1#.  The one thing I've noticed with Bella is her level of maturity from last week to this week.  Her house training has improved, along with her obedience training of sit, and come.  Bella loves retrieving her Dokken Dead Fowl Teal.  The past few weeks she'd retrieve very puppy like.  This past week she began to retrieve with more enthusiasm and running quite hard.  Her retrieves are growing from 12-15 yards to upwards of 25.  She has also taken to the water much more willingly this week.  Prior to this week her most recent experience with water was between weeks 9 and 10.  At that time she would retrieve but wouldn't bust in after her dead fowl teal.  This week was a totally different story.  I tossed her dead fowl teal in and off she took.  She even jumped from the dock a number of times.  Bella is definitely taking after her mother as loving to retrieve and at home in the water.  Bella and I continue to go on our nightly walks exploring the woods and fields.  It's quite entertaining watching her "hunt" moths from an alfalfa field.

Ruby is doing great also. At her vet check last week she weighed 21 pounds and is quite the bundle of energy. She has taken well to sleeping in her crate overnight, but it has been hard for me to get up with her at 5:30 am.  The potty training is going well overall.  She will go a week without any accidents and then have a few in one day, but I think she's starting to figure it out.  She loves being outside and retrieving balls and dummies, both on land and in the water.  She also likes tearing up lots of kid toys she can get her mouth on. So far we have gone through about 4 inflatable balls and 3 pool rafts, much to the dismay of the kids. She loves swimming also.  She has been in the lake every weekend swimming with us and sometimes even jumps in the pool to get a ball or something else.  She and Maggie are getting along much better also.  Maggie stands there with her tail wagging now while Ruby jumps all over her and gives her kisses.  They run around outside all of the time and Maggie is teaching her "the ropes" at the farm and the cabin.  The kids LOVE her too.  Jack asks for "RuRu" immediately upon waking up and loves to lay down and snuggle with her on the floor when she is calm.  Grace has become quite the little mother with her and it is obvious that Ruby adores them also.
-Lynne and Nathan

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